
Alcoholics ONLY

THE TAKE 12 RECOVERY RADIO SHOW (Topic: Alcoholics Only)

Some would argue that Alcoholics Anonymous is only for Alcoholics, others would say it’s all-inclusive. One thing is for sure, the opinions are as broad as the fellowship is large. There are three types of approaches to this issue. The A.A. literature, of which much has been written on the topic, the bleeding deacon approach that many times comes from what is described as the AA purist and then there are the opinions that often times have little to do with either. In this episode of the Take 12 Recovery Radio Show, we will only scratch the surface of this topic, but there is a question we should all ask ourselves and that question is not posed enough. Find out what that question is and why it’s so important. Also, Toni is back from sabbatical and Cecil has a little song for her on her first day back as our chipper cohost.

Closing Song: Closed Meeting by Michael Purington

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