Archive for June, 2013


Feeling Hopeless?

“if your feeling helpless, hopeless and defeated go find someone who is actually in fact hopeless, helpless and defeated. Come along side them and speak encouraging words, life and love into their spirit. Soon you will regain the strength God has for you.
But you must not do this in order to receive anything in return. You must do it freely without expectations or emotional dependency. Then and only then will you begin to feel the strength God has for you return.”
~The Monty’man

I Got Your Back

When people we love are being mistreated it’s important that we let them know that we have their back. In fact I would go so far as to say that we should have the back of anyone who is being mistreated.
So what does that mean to have someone’s back?
I believe it can mean many different things but the most important of all is that they know we will stand in the gap for them when they are without defense.
One of the most powerful ways to stand in the gap is to commit them to prayer. To hold them up to the creator and request the best for them. To ask God to protect them and keep them from harm. The second most important thing is to let them know that we are indeed standing in the gap for their well-being.
Are you standing in the gap for someone? If you see a need and are able to fill it do you?
It’s easy to tear someone down, but it is a spiritual act of grace to build them up.

Serenity for You!
~The Monty’man


You Can Help Us Carry The Message !!!

We have just created a brand new full color poster that is available for you to print out as a PDF file. By printing these out and sharing them with others such as your local drug and alcohol treatment centers, churches, 12 Step meetings, conventions and friends; you will be helping to share the solution to the number one health issue in our world, addiction.
Thank you so much for helping us to carry the message that “The lie is dead, we do recover”
Here is the file:

Serenity for You!

The Monty’man

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