Archive for December, 2013



Today is not yesterday, it’s not tomorrow, it’s today. Made by God for you to live in or out of His will. It’s up to you. Choose wisely. It could make all the difference in the world for you and your loved ones. If you goof up, (we all do) you can start your day over. If you goof up again (we all do) learn to keep your mouth shut particularly when you know your right.

Serenity for You!

The Monty’man



Today is not yesterday, it’s not tomorrow, it’s today. Made by God for you to live in or out of His will. It’s up to you. Choose wisely. It could make all the difference in the world for you and your loved ones. If you goof up, (we all do) you can start your day over. If you goof up again (we all do) learn to keep your mouth shut particularly when you know your right.

Serenity for You!

The Monty’man


Holiday Heart Aches, Acceptance and Attitudes

This time of year can be extremely difficult for many as some reflect upon tragedies, crisis or loss of loved ones that may have taken place around the holiday season.

Yes, the holidays are a time of much celebration for most but there are those who could really use an encouraging word right about now. They don’t need advice, judgment or cheering up, they just need to know they matter and that someone loves them unconditionally.

So this year I am going to challenge us all to step back and see the bigger picture. Let’s look beyond all the tinsel and lights and see what our creator would see as the power of His love would make the pain and hurt of those less fortunate then ourselves transparent to us so we may better do His will in serving our fellow man.

So here is my suggestion.

First, when we get up in the morning let’s ask God to help us be sensitive to others who may be hurting.
Second, Ask Him to show us someone we can reach out to with a kind word of encouragement.
Third, petition God to give us an open heart and a place in our spirit to welcome those who are perhaps difficult to love into our circle of friends, colleges or even family members.
And forth, I’d like us to be determined to view every difficult situation, person place or thing as a golden opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in showing grace, mercy and acceptance every day from sun-up to sun-down.

So just how do we accomplish this attitude of empathy for others? I mean it’s great to make suggestions but what about our marching orders.

Well, I can’t think of a better way to begin our Holiday selflessness than by going to our creator and speaking the words.
God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Help us to live one day at a time,
teach us how to enjoy one moment at a time,
Guide our way as we accept hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as we would have it,
Trusting that You, our creator will make all things right,
If we will but surrender to Your will,
And in that we become reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely contented with You forever in the next.

Until the next Meditorial, this is the Monty’man wishing God’s perfect Serenity for you, through the holidays and as you walk into 2014. Be blessed my friends.

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